Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Mario Panji

Mario Panji ft Mukti (8anend) - sampai langit membiru


history :
Born in Jakarta, and live in bandung because of the influence of hot weather is not suitable.
originated from glam rock music and has a first band named "Warning Class" is the punk band from bandung with the parent structure inside and my youngest person to hold the guitar in it and think about my age was 14 years old when I was joining. My old leaving "Warning Class" by reason sepedah BMX but I did not forget the music itself after a mid-high school I made a band called "Absolute Zero" and soon I was also joined by some great bands that consist of "Global Unity" and "VickyVette" and now I'm trying to make a fun project to rely on my guitar named "Harmony" giving my first girlfriend, whose name was "Admis Meynur Syani" and also with an acoustic guitar borrowed from "Andriy Irianto". maryo panji: I tried to make the song a little touching with the intent to not give the impression that could leisurely color my life and the audience, I was much helped by the family, especially my father who fill the mid-song voice, entitled, "Absurd In Mind" and the filling in the clapping of hands at last part of the song is "Andriy Irianto", and I was assisted also by the "Agus Mukti" he guitarist from a band called "Eight An End" to several other classic songs.

genre : indonesian sanity instrument



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